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Progress in Geochemistry of Non-Traditional Stable Isotope—Iron Isotope

, 曹熔
Advances in Geosciences (AG) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/AG.2020.1010089
Abstract: 经历了几十年的变化,同位素地球化学已然成为了地球化学的重要组成部分,并在解决跨越地球科学整个领域的各种地球科学问题当中起到了很大的作用。铁是地球上丰度最高的变价金属元素,也是不可或缺的成矿元素,稳定铁同位素地球化学的研究是一个比较前沿的方向,铁作为非传统稳定同位素,从稳定同位素的方向研究出了一系列铁地球化学方法。目前,铁同位素地球化学已广泛应用于行星探测、矿物示踪、深氧循环、表生过程和大洋中脊玄武岩演化等方面。目前,如何将铁同位素与其他同位素结合起来,应用于行星地质学、矿物示踪等领域还有待进一步研究。本文将主要从铁同位素测定方法的变迁、铁同位素分馏的不同过程以及铁同位素的研究及应用做出详细的论述。
After decades of changes, isotope geochemistry has become an important part of geochemistry, and has played an important role in solving various geoscience problems across the whole field of geoscience. Iron is the most abundant variable valence metal element on the earth, and also an indispensable metallogenic element. The study of stable iron isotope geochemistry is a relatively advanced direction. With iron as a non-traditional stable isotope, a series of iron geochemical methods have been developed from the direction of stable isotope. At present, iron isotope geochemistry has been applied in planetary exploration, mineral tracing, deep oxygen cycle, supergene process and the evolution of mid ocean ridge basalt. At present, how to combine iron isotope with other isotopes and apply it to planetary geology, mineral tracing and other fields remains to be further studied. In this paper, the change of iron isotope determination method, the different process of iron isotope fractionation and the research and application of iron isotope are discussed in detail.
Research on the Influence of Tourism Network Reputation on Tourists’ Destination Decision in Hainan

范家, 庆生
Sustainable Development (SD) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/SD.2022.122044
在移动互联网迅速发展的背景下,旅游网络口碑对游客行为意向的影响日益凸显,并逐步成为旅游地发展的关键一环。目前大多数有关网络口碑对游客出游意向的研究缺乏不同路径影响效果的对比性分析。为了进一步了解网络评论对游客出游意向的影响机制,本文以海南旅游为例,构建了旅游网络口碑对出游意向的作用模型,通过验证旅游网络口碑的调节作用和感知价值的中介作用,揭示了出游意向在旅游网络口碑作用下的权变情境。研究发现:1) 感知价值在旅游网络口碑质量及旅游网络口碑方向中对出游意向起部分中介作用;2) 感知价值在旅游网络口碑趣味因素中对出游意向起完全中介作用;3) 网络口碑和感知价值都对出游意向起正向调节作用。旅游目的地应积极整合有效传播进行多方面宣传并借助旅游网络口碑实现景区的可持续发展。
In the context of the rapid development of mobile Internet, the influence of tourism IWOM (internet word-of-mouth) on tourists’ behavioral intentions has become increasingly prominent and has gradually become a key part of the development of tourist destinations. At present, most studies on the impact of IWOM on tourists’ intention lack comparative analysis of different paths. To further understand the influence mechanism of online reviews on tourists’ travel intention, this paper takes Hainan tourism as an example to construct a model of the effect of tourism IWOM on travel intentions. By verifying the moderating effect of tourism IWOM and the mediating effect of perceived value, it reveals the contingency situation of travel intentions under the effect of tourism IWOM. The findings are as follows. 1) Perceived value partially mediates travel intention in the quality and direction of word-of-mouth in tourism network; 2) Perceived value plays a fully mediating role in tourism network word-of-mouth interest; 3) Both IWOM and perceived value have a positive moderating effect on travel intention. Tourism destinations should actively integrate effective communication for various publicities and realize the sustainable development of scenic spots with the help of tourism network reputation.
Research on the Crime of Web Crawler Behavior

Dispute Settlement (DS) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/DS.2024.102155
Abstract: 网络爬虫作为一种抓取数据的自动程序具有极大的技术优势,但是网络爬虫作为一种中立性技术在遭到恶意使用后也具有其危害性。网络爬虫行为从技术角度来说一般分为对计算机系统进行访问、对系统内数据进行爬取、对爬取行为进行存储和利用三个阶段。本文旨在从刑法的视角下对网络爬虫行为进行分析,探析恶意网络爬虫行为入罪的路径,从客观不法与主观恶意两个角度判断其入罪标准。在客观层面,实质判断行为对法益造成的威胁以及侵害是否已经达到可罚的程度;在主观层面,应着重考察行为人是否具有实施犯罪的故意。
Web crawler as an automatic program to capture data has great technical advantages, but as a neutral technology, web crawler also has its harm after being maliciously used. From the technical point of view, web crawler behavior is generally divided into three stages: access to the computer system, crawling the data in the system, and storing and utilizing the crawling behavior. This paper aims to analyze web crawler behavior from the perspective of criminal law, explore the path of criminalization of malicious web crawler behavior, and judge its criminalization criteria from the two perspectives of objective lawlessness and subjective malice. At the objective level, the substance of the judgment on the threat to legal interests caused by the act and whether the infringement has reached a punishable level; at the subjective level, the focus should be on whether the perpetrator has the intention to commit the crime.

计算机系统应用 , 1999,
Abstract: 本文针对远程演示环境的技术要求,提出基于虚拟现实系统一种切实可行的解决方案并分析讨论各种开发平台的技术特点,针对开发时的具体步骤在技术上提出注意事项并提供解决办法。解决方案兼容性好,安全稳定,具有良好的可移植性和可扩展性。

中国图书馆学报 , 1988,

核技术 , 2014, DOI: 10.11889/j.0253-3219.2014.hjs.37.100523
Abstract: 为了精确测量放射性核素原子核的内部结构,日本理化学研究所研制出一种新颖的制作放射性核素靶的方法,使电子与放射性核素散射实验成为可能。该方法主要利用电子储存环中的“离子束缚”现象,使得从外部离子源注入的放射性核素离子被束缚在电子存储环中,形成放射性核素靶并进而与电子束发生散射。电子与放射性核素散射装置于2009年在日本理化学研究所开始建造,其主要包括三个部分:(1)电子束产生装置;(2)电子存储环;(3)放射性核素生成与分离装置。目前除放射性核素生成装置仍然在建设中,其余部分已于2010年建造完成,并利用稳定原子核133Cs和132Xe对其性能进行了测试。结果表明,当电子束流强度约为200mA时,散射实验的亮度可达约1027cm?2?s?1。

现代图书情报技术 , 2011,
Abstract: ?以首都师范大学图书馆3d虚拟图书导航系统为例,详细介绍基于3dsmax和virtools技术所开发的图书馆实景虚拟图书路径导航应用案例。重点介绍3d建模和virtools交互功能的实现,使用户可以通过opac书目查询和url网址两种方式进入虚拟图书馆导航系统,实现馆内图书的虚拟检索和路径导航,并实现多人实时信息交互和多媒体共享,为用户提供一个真实的虚拟图书馆漫游场景。
Why Is Literal Interpretation the Core Method of Legal Interpretation

Dispute Settlement (DS) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/DS.2024.101018
Abstract: 法律解释方法众多,但对于如何确定一个合适的解释方法却始终存在争论。出现这种争论有其理论与现实上的原因。给众解释方法之间划分一个位阶似乎是不错的选择。但由于解释方法自身的实践总结特性使其难以排出一个位阶。如果位阶存在,文义解释作为解释方法核心适用方法的地位应当是确定的与不容动摇的。即便是在无法确定位阶的时候,文义解释的意义也不容忽视。
There are many methods of legal interpretation, but there is always controversy about how to determine a suitable interpretation method. There are theoretical and practical reasons for this debate. Creating a ranking order between different methods seems to be a good choice. However, due to the practical summary characteristics of the interpretation method itself, it is difficult to exclude a ranking order. If the order exists, the position of literal interpretation as the core applicable method of interpretation should be determined and unshakable. Even when the order cannot be determined, the significance of literal interpretation cannot be ignored.
Review of Research on Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on Fluctuating High-Frequency Carrier Signal Injection

, 长全
Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/jee.2013.11002
Abstract: 基于电机的凸级效应,通过注入脉振高频信号并分析高频响应电流可以得到转子的位置信息,实现永磁同步电机的无位置传感器控制。文中阐述了基于脉振高频信号注入法的永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制原理,比较了几种转子极性辨识的方法,介绍了电机凸极率的测量,分析了如何提高控制精度,最后展望了脉振高频信号注入法的发展前景。
Based on the machine saliency, the rotor position information could be obtained by injecting fluctuating high-frequency carrier signal into the machine and analyzing the current response, so the sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machines could be realized. In this paper, the method of sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machines is elaborated based on fluctuating high-frequency carrier signal injection. Then the ways of rotor polarity recognition are compared, the measurement of machine saliency property is introduced, and the means to increase the control accuracy is discussed. Finally, the prospects of development of sensorless control based on fluctuating high-frequency carrier signal injection are presented.
A Network Embedding Method Based on Graph Folding

冯晓, 冬琦
Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2019.99197
With the full application of information technology, information networks are becoming ubiquitous. Social networks, citation networks, telecommunication networks, and even biological networks have made information network research attract the attention of researchers in many disciplines. Network embedding is a low-dimensional vector representation learning method of nodes that preserves information such as network topology and node content. In the low-dimensional space, network analysis and mining tasks may be easier to solve, and the computational complexity of tasks may also be lowered. This paper designs and implements a network embedding method based on complete subgraph folding. This method regards the k-complete subgraphs of the target network as supernodes and uses an arbitrary network embedding algorithm to learn the vector representation of supernodes in the new network of supernodes. Then we use the learned vector representation to initialize the members’ vector representation of the supernode, after that, the target network will be fed into an arbitrary network embedding algorithm and learn to get the final vector representation of nodes. In this paper, we select to use Deepwalk algorithm in the experiments. Experiment results show that the proposed method significantly improved the speed of network embedding. At the same time, the node vectors learned by the proposed method also out-performed the original Deepwalk algorithm in selected downstream applications.

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